Tuesday 10 September 2024

You're A Psychopath

You can walk on by and I'll do the math
I think there's an even chance, you're a psychopath 
For in my mind's eye, your insanity's cemented 
Your actions and demeanour are clearly demented 

Your aura's vile and your soul's pernicious 
Your flailing fists and feet are naught but vicious 
Maybe you were goaded and took the bait
Or maybe you're an evil vassal, fuelled by hate

I don't know you, I don't know who you are
Just keep your distance, be away and far
For though your victim's memory might be hazy
There's no doubt, that you're batshit crazy

Maybe, next time, the battered prey won't rise
Maybe, next time, someone bleeds and dies
You've sated the insanity and purged the wrath
But there's an even chance, you're a psychopath 

Wednesday 14 August 2024

I Don't Need You


Will you release my brain? It needs parole
Please set me free, from your mind control 
I don't need you, to read me, the riot act
I don't need you, to feed me, a counter fact

Get out of my face, for it's mine, not yours
You don't need to know, about my idle cause
I don't need you, to quell me, to be strung along
I don't need you, to tell me, what's right from wrong 

Go and lead the sheep, of every brainwashed flock
But I want no part, of your vast, malevolent bloc
I don't need you, to see me, with your soulless eyes
I don't need you, to appease me, with your vacuous lies

Sunday 7 April 2024

To Ginny

Goodbye my love, this is my, forlorn, farewell
For when midnight chimed, twas a fateful knell
With one, last, tired breath, we were torn apart
Hence, these words, are from my broken heart

I know you were stubborn and would not be told
You were also, kind and loving, with a heart of gold
So I will take some solace, on your summer's day
And from my idle reveries, you will never stray

Now that you're free from fear, I can ease the pain
Even though, my love, time's not ours to claim
For the anguish ended, when you lost the fight
And now, with this last kiss, I will say goodnight

With Love


Friday 4 August 2023

Forever's Reoccurring Dream


Beyond, the crystal clear glass, there is nothing at all
Except the impenetrable dark and an unfathomable fall
There's no moon, or stars, there is just a vacuous waste
Futilely lit, by a rotating beam, that dissipates to a trace

In the light room's sanctuary, there is no time left to bide
Or a way to escape, down, through a trapdoor open wide
For in this see of silence, everything, is cloak-and-dagger
Where only oneirism persists, above a descending ladder

There're shadows and light and a descent to a metal floor
With a virtual way out, through a phantom, wooden door
But on the 'otherside', only the passing revenants pretend
That a revealed spiral staircase, does more than descend

With the unreality of being, there is no misunderstanding
That the only way is down, from an old, gridiron landing
But no entities, are visible, there're just shadowy shapes
Tremulously cast in descent, as if a candle flame, shakes

Every step down, is another blind alley, in a cul-de-sac
Where only night eyes see, within a circular brick stack
And time will mean nothing, like it had never been there
Until, eventually reached, in the abysm, is that final stair

Somewhere there is a door, in the miasmic chokedamp
On the 'otherside', is a lit floor, below a megawatt lamp
And with nowhere else to go, because of inanimate time
There's just an ascending ladder, that's necessary to climb

Beyond, the crystal clear glass, is the eternal black night
Of an impenetrable darkness, where luminosity's a blight
Here there is, no moon, or stars, just a lighthouse's beam
Its silent warning, to untether, forever's reoccurring dream

Friday 28 July 2023

Disciples Of Nostradamus

Everything, you think you know, or to which, you are aligned
Does not exist, it's a mirage in a matrix, intelligently designed
Your free will's fake, but maybe, to delusions, you have sworn
The reality is though, you're a vassal, you're a worthless pawn

Within the coercing domains, of AI, gods and climate control
Are their ideologies, that have, or will soon, take a deadly toll
The path ahead is clear though, if you choose to soundly sleep
For the shepherds ways are wiser, if you're in a flock of sheep

But they're fallacious seers, merely disciples, of Nostradamus
Who conjure their new wave fears, to manipulate and harm us
They want to save us, from an invisible enemy, in a secret war
So they can control and command, as their sycophants, adore

The heavens are a void, Earth's a rock, AI will always cleanse
For you there is no future, it's only time, that inevitably wends
And remember, as you're standing beneath the threadbare sky
That the cults of humanity, like humanity, they were born to die


Monday 12 June 2023

Witch's Spittle

She sat astride me, naked and sweaty, at my behest
With her tumbling raven locks and saggy old breasts
And she mocked me, with a cackle, enough to belittle
As I watched her lips drip, with her sour witch's spittle

But I couldn't resist the touch, of her cold, flaccid, flesh
Or her abundant, brittle thatch, like a woven wire mesh
For my need was afire, although she'd chosen, to choke
With her, livery, skeletal hands, compressing my throat

It was far too late, to escape, from her vice like thighs
I felt my tongue swelling, as was, the bulge of my rise
I tried to desist, but I couldn't repel, her malevolent will
And under, a sorceresses spell, I would inevitably, spill

I was fading fast, so I tried to inhale, or just taste the air
But she squeezed, even harder, demanding, that I share
I was trapped, with her astride, I was helpless, beneath
As her putrefied breath fell, through the rot of her teeth

The ecstasy was agonizing, but her throttling, did wane
As I, fulfilled, our salaciousness and with acidity, came
And we gasped, with mutual relief, for passion is fickle
Before she cackled and loosed, her sour witch's spittle