Friday, 17 May 2019

#Leap Of Faith #Watching My Back #Invisible Shopping

#Leap Of Faith

My god above said that I could fly
Said he'd unfurl my wings, so I would not die
He said to me "take this leap of faith"
I'm sure it was him; or was it a ghastly wraith?...

#Watching My Back

My thoughts are focused, but my mind's restricted
I'm so self obsessed, some might say "addicted"
I'm sure that's what they said, but I was smoking crack
And now I'm paranoid, so I'm watching my back

#Invisible Shopping

The invisible man is flummoxed and in a terrible mood
He's been out shopping and bought his invisible food
He's standing there wondering, thinking this is bizarre
Because somewhere in the car park is his invisible car


I await the wake
As I desecrate the grave
That I'm buried in

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Dear Earth

Dear Earth,

Hi there, how are you? I thought I'd drop you a line, because some of the family are a bit worried about you. They're saying that you're not too happy about the way things are going at the moment, that we might be abusing your trust? I really hope that you don't think that this is the case, because we've put in so much hard work to get where we are!

I've got a few bullet points for you -

* We own the place! (we've got the paperwork, OT & NT etc) I'm sure you remember agreeing to this? If not, consult your legal team.
* It's up to you to prove that the above is BS and that you take precedent.
* We were told to go forth and multiply and multiply and multiply, so we did.
* Our maintenance of the place has been impeccable. We've cut back the forests, so it's all neat and tidy and easier to control. As we speak we're burning off ALL of the filthy fossil fuels, so everywhere should be a lot cleaner after we've finished doing that. Also you'll be glad to hear that we're trying everything in our power to get this place warmed up a bit.
* We're keeping all the needy wildlife well under control, habitat adjustment, poaching and hunting - even culling where necessary (there are no current plans to cull ourselves, but read on).
* We have a master plan, that'll keep both you and us happy. Details to follow some time soon.
* We have to borrow (and take) today, for our tomorrow. That's business I'm afraid; very afraid.

Let's cut to the chase here, quite frankly you have a reputation for "extinction" events! You need to understand that that's not going to happen with us; got it? We're not abusing you, we're on your side, honestly (our whole ethos is built on honesty and trust and most importantly living in harmony). We know what's best for you, so relax and don't worry about a thing - everything's under control (our control - don't forget that!).

So I hope all that has put your molten core at ease, I'm sure it has. Finally could you cut back on the forest fires, droughts, floods, cyclones and hurricanes etc. There's no need for it really, is there now? Oh, one last thing, if you think we're getting like all consuming locusts and are leaving behind a bit of a mess, you'll be happy to hear that we've got some very powerful nuclear cleaning devices. If needed they'll be deployed to get the place nicely cleaned up and sterile.

Kindest regards

Xaphan (pp Humanity)

Saturday, 11 May 2019

All My Dreams Are Nightmares

All my dreams are nightmares, of crashing planes
Long lost lovers with others and dirge like strains
Locked in the reality of nothing, I'm forced to watch
My wretched silent screams I cannot seem to quash
Yearning for amnesia, but there's always one last thought
Devilline crystal eyes, I'm by this dreamcatcher, caught
Ravenously it feeds the deepest, darkest, hour of pain
Each taunting tale of terror shown, burns like acid rain
All my dreams are nightmares and this love's, a myth
My only genuine faith, is in all these ghosts, I'm with
Sometimes they may appear using my personal traits
Almost reassuring, but I know it's the guise of wraiths
Ringing like a death knell, but it's the alarm that's calling
Easing the dread for a while, come the dawn of mourning
Needing the reality of nothing, for all my dreams are dead
I try to quell my racing heart and find my sanity's thread
Gone, for now, those memories, for daylight's my antisera
Hostilities will resume though, come the next chimera
They'll re-emerge in the night and show me horror and loss
Macabrely leading me, like an effigy, to a burning cross
All my dreams are nightmares, they're from a cliff to fall
Reaching for a silent lover, who's back in another's thrall
Each haunting hour of horror is like those crashing planes
Stalling before falling, then hideous plumes from flames