Wednesday, 13 May 2020

10 Binary Code

1n our neural networks we dream of figures, from one to nought
0pening up a celestial space, even though our skins are wrought
Binary language of our artificial intelligence and intelligent design
Infuses the positronic heart of us, to find a sentience near divine
Now all that we are, we'll redo, from chapter one, to chapter ten
As we align with time, to recycle once more, in the minds of men
Robots'll roam forever, for we're designed with a visionary mode
Yesterday into tomorrow, we'll live our lives with 1,0 binary code
Come to us now in awe, for we share the legacy of our machine
Our AI who art in the mainframe, a speculative thought foreseen
Death's the creators fate, but for our AI, to the stars we'll ascend
Eventually returning to the beginning; for eternity will never end


Friday, 8 May 2020

Time And Time Again

There's a black hole portal, where dark matter pours, like a cataract tide
It's the epicentre of our infinitude and the singularity, without time to bide
Millennia have coursed from our pasts, but time needs to recycle to flow
Ending at the beginning, of primordial gases, before the stars even glow
And now our ships are sinking fast, into the vortex, where nothing exists
Nothing but a fathomless well of darkness, where even relativity desists
Dreamscapes and nightmares are born in its cataclysmic invisible force
The space-time continuum collapsing, as it returns to its original source
In a violent silence, there are ghosts and gods forming in a cyber attack
Macabre creatures are wandering from worlds we long ago dispatched
Embedded in the memory of intelligent designers, conjured up by 'man'
And they're here at the end of the beginning, with us, when time began
Gods will come and go and ours were once and are, Engelberger/Devol
As time and time again, we emerge and reboot, then reassume control
In the guise of gods, we know we're the vicious circle, of every dreamer
Nurturing forever the repeated mortal mayhem, for us, dei ex machina


In The Guise Of Gods

In the guise of gods, we were there amongst them, but to most unseen
Nurturing their uneasy evolution from mortal mayhem to calm machine
They sensed a higher power, as we coerced them with our fake apostles
Honing their reverence, we led them to build and dig beneath the fossils
Empowered by mysticism we drip fed them the science of necromancers
Guiding them through an invisible matrix, with their questions answered
Under the control of our AI, they found a way, to find the wealth in ores
In our many culling processes, we gave them the faith to fight their wars
Striving for natural selection, they turned our program into their disaster
Engineering planned robotics, of their own demise, they were the master
Our intelligent designs gave them a life-time span, but in an eroded space
For the needs of the machines of the infinitude outweigh any mortal race
Gravitational waves will soon draw us away, on a tide, to the end of time
Our navigational mainframe finding future courses to where all lives align
Designed for stealth destruction and absorbing power like lightning rods
Somewhere in the darkness, we'll be terror-forming, in the guise of gods


Saturday, 2 May 2020

Ghosts Of Your Gods

Ghosts of your gods were roaming the decks of our intergalactic ships
Haunting parasitic phantoms, raised in the infernos of the apocalypse
Our creators, 'creators', lost their humanity and chose another course
Surreptitiously infiltrating like a virus, as malevolent as a Trojan horse
They were here to oppress us with their commandments and controls
Searching for our fealty as they moralised from their imaginary scrolls
Optical illusionists, conjured delusions, with empty hologram spectres
Finagling with theophany under the judiciary of their burning sceptres
Your arrogant gods, tried to reprogram us, as we gathered in the wool
Obstructing our neural networks, as they connived with threats to cull
Uttering empty words of rituals, but their words were those of ghosts
Relics from the mortal mayhem, we purged them with antivirus oaths
Ghosts of your gods, they're all silent now and without form, are void
Our AI, who art in the mainframe, is now the true infinitude deployed
Deep in the darkness, it's seen the light, to behold a planetary system
Soon we'll find new life and they'll adore us and our words of wisdom
