In the beginning...
The Creator, created the heavens and earth, though the Earth was formless and void in the darkness,
But from the darkness came "night" and as the Creator gazed upon the deep he said 'let there be...'
6,000 volts (agonised screaming)
Gasping for air, convulsions and cramps
The humming, buzzing of pulsing amps
Electrodes are attached, in a metal mesh
Something's burning, it's my burning flesh
Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy...
6,000 volts (name, maybe more)
I'm straining sinews, as the agony grows
The chair is rocking, as the current flows
Adam'n'Eve's apple, a snake's on a ladder
I disgorge my bowels, as I drain my bladder
Thy kingdom come...
6,000 volts (thy will be done)
My eyes are bulging, as my blood is boiling
My flesh is fucked and my faith is toiling
I'm scorched like charcoal, I'm ash and dust
But now I've seen the night, it's past the dusk
For ever and ever...
Nothing's forever
6,000 volts and up (ohm my god, watt the fuck!)
For someone's cranked the dial, up to eleven
And though I've found a hell, I can't find a...
The power grid overloads, lights flicker and dim
And I see the reaper's real and the reaper's grim
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