Monday 31 December 2018

New Year's Eve

Nothing's changing, for it's only time that's passing
Every tick of the clock though is the past amassing
With everything eventually there is nowhere to go
Years will always melt away like sun-drenched snow
Elapsing unseen, for it's eternally an intangible state
As the burden of time becomes an unbearable weight
Running like an underground river it's hard to perceive
'tis marked though, by this old date, of new year's eve
Somewhere, in the darkness, there is an invisible line
Ending what was, for the now, our intelligent design
Vagarious memories will remember our fanciful ways
Everything's fleeting though, until the end of our days

Sunday 23 December 2018

Santa's Dead

Santa's dead (ho ho no!) his head took a bullet
And his white locks soon turned to a claret mullet
Naught survived, with all his reindeer butchered
They were sleighed, when their guts were ruptured
Alas Santa was savagely felled, 'twas his final hurdle
Somewhere cold, is his grave, beyond the Arctic Circle
Decembers will now come and go and we'll fake the news
Even though Santa was murdered, we'll hide the clues
And let's not tell the children, they don't need to know
Dasher and his deer friends died with Santa in the snow