Monday 17 September 2018

Friday 13th (Zombie Apocalypse)

Friday 13th (again) and again I'm in hiding
For this might be the day when worlds are colliding
Or maybe the dead will rise in a zombie apocalypse
When all the rotting roamers swarm the metropolis

I'm under the stairs, with nitrous oxide already
I'm supping on gas, I'm feeling quite heady
But it's all darkly calm, beyond the rays of the sun
Just me and the gas and the nails of the gun

I'm honed, but alone, I'm ired not placid
For it's the ides I abide when I'm dropping the acid
Of  Friday 13ths there's never a dirth
So I'm numbing this calamity for all it is worth

An hour to go and..... and all is well
But there's a distant rumbling, an artillery shell?
I'll suck it and see, but my head is now spinning
For the end is nigh, it's the end's beginning

I'm waxing the light, I'm burning a candle
And I can see it now, the turn of the handle
The creak of the door, a sinister snigger
I sup on the gas and then I'm pulling the trigger

Friday 13th (again), but I'm out on the street
Nail in my head and shuffling my feet
Dawn's quickly approaching the desolate metropolis
As I search for the herd of the zombie apocalypse

I'm shaking, I'm breaking, I'm as brittle as ice
For all that there was, was gone in a trice
I'm frothing and foaming, an unhinged rusty bracket
And I'm alone in this cell, I'm in a straightjacket

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